Youth Star Ram’s upcoming film ‘Endukante Premanta’ first look poster is out. The actor himself posted the still on a micro blogging site. The first look poster is looking super cool and classy. The film is a breezy entertainer with heart touching sentiment, comedy, love story, action and melodious songs. Ram and Tamannah are looking made for each other in the still. The film is directed by love stories specialist Karunakaran.
The film is produced by Sravanti Ravi Kishore. Music director GV Prakash is scoring soothing melodies for this film adds our source. This film has huge expectations among trade circles as this is Ram’s next release after super hit ‘Kandireega’. Peter Heins is the stunt master, while Prem Rakshit is the choreographer for this film. The movie is expected to hit the screens in summer, 2012.