Nandamuri Balakrishna has joined the sets of Manchu Manoj’s new film ‘Uu Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ today. He is essaying a pivotal role in the film. Currently, the shooting of the film is progressing at Antarvedi Temple, Narsapuram. It is reported that Balayya will take part in the shoot for four days. Panchi Bora of ‘Aakasame Haddu’ fame is paired opposite Balayya.
Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna is producing the movie under Manchu Entertainment Banner. So far, the movie has completed 40% of shooting in and around Hyderabad. The major part of the film will be shot in a specially erected set at Manikonda. The makers have spent Rs 6 crore on this set.
Deeksha Seth is romancing Manoj in this action entertainer. Sekhar Raja is the director and Bobo Sashi is scoring music for the film. The film is a bi-lingual in Telugu and Tamil languages. Brahmanandam, Sunil, Prabhu and Sai Kumar are the other cast. The movie is expected to release in April, 2012.