Super Star Mahesh Babu, who is very busy with his new film ‘The Business Man’, is going to start working on ‘Seethamma Vakito Sirimalle Chettu’ soon. The actor gave a nod to Sukumar and the director is currently working on the script. This movie will be produced by Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta, Gopichand Achanta, who earlier produced ‘Dookudu’ with Mahesh Babu.
Our readers also know that Mahesh is going to work with ‘Gamyam’ fame Krish. This film will be produced on Vyjayanthi Movies by Aswini Dutt. We came to know that three leading actress are set to romance Mahesh in this film. The film will go onto the sets once Mahesh completes Sukumar’s film.
Meanwhile, Krish is busy working on the script for his immediate project ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ with Rana Daggubati.