Veteran director and former Union Minister Dasari Narayana Rao suffered a huge loss today. His wife Dasari Padma (65), who was a low-profile producer, expired today morning around 4:00 am following prolonged illness. She was admitted in Somajiguda’s Yashoda Hospital on October 25th and she was in critical condition. She is survived by two sons and a daughter. Her younger son Dasari Arun Kumar is also an actor.
Padma produced several hit films like Megha Sandesam, Sivaranjani, Majnu, Osei Ramulamma, Kondaveeti Simhasanam, Kante Koothurne Kanu, etc. Several celebrities from Tollywood are rushing to the hospital to pay their last respects to her. Later, her body will be shifted to Dasari’s residence, where funeral will take place.