When Ekta Kapoor and Milan Luthria decided to make a film based on the life story of the controversial actress Silk Smitha, famously called as sex-symbol, they would have least expected that this movie irk Silk Smitha’s brother V Naga Vara Prasad and he would send them a legal notice.
"We came to know through TV channels and newspaper reports that The Dirty Picture portrays my sister in a rather obscene way. Ekta Kapoor is making the film with Vidya Balan in the lead role. Neither the producer nor the director contacted us (the family). What right do the producer and the director have to make this film, without the family's consent?" Vara Prasad said while talking to Mumbai Mirror.
He confirmed that he has indeed served Ekta Kapoor and Milan Luthria a legal notice.
"There still has been no response from their side. We are now going to send a second notice in a couple of days through a High Court lawyer in Hyderabad. If they go ahead with the release, we will be compelled to initiate proceedings."