Young Rebel Star Prabhas’s new film ‘Vaaradhi’ directed by writer turned director Koratala Shiva is currently progressing at rapid pace in Manikonda. The entire unit is working day and night to complete the movie before the scheduled date itself. The director came up with a bounded script and everything is going as planned. Richa Gangopadhyay and Anushka are romancing Prabhas in this commercial entertainer.
From the last week the shooting of the film is commencing at Kokapet and Manikonda areas in a specially erected set. Prabhas is sporting a new lean look for this movie. The film is produced jointly by Pramod Uppalapati and Vamsi Krishna Reddy on UV Creations banner. The movie is slated for summer release.
Meanwhile, Prabhas has completed working for ‘Rebel’, which is shaping up well under the direction of Raghava Lawrence.