After experimenting with ‘Rajanna’ and winning applause from critics, the Yuvasamrat Nagarjuna now tires risky adventures with ‘Damarukam’, which is expected to take Telugu Film Industry to next level. With budget of 40 Crores, ‘Damarukam’ stands as the highest budget film in 2012 with a lot of visual graphics as feast to audience. The movie is inspired from the successful novel 'The Immortals of Meluha', written by Amish Tripathi.
‘Damarukam’ is in preproduction stage and is set to release in July in both Telugu and Tamil simultaneously.
After ‘Ragada’, the Bangalore beauty and actress Anushka Shetty makes her first appearance in Telugu in ‘Damarukam’. The film features music by Devi Sri Prasad, whose ‘Gabbar Singh’ tunes are rocking the music lovers in Andhra Pradesh currently. The music will hit the stores in June.
Nagarjuna has many big projects this calendar year with 'Shiridi Sai', 'Sri Jagadguru Adi Shankara' in filming, Nag has signed up for ‘Thrayam’ co-starring with his father Nageswarao and son Naga Chiatanya.