Hero Rajasekhar, who is famous for donning angry young man roles, is eyeing to score a big hit. The actor delivered string of flops in recent times and his last hit is 'Evadaithe Nakenti' which was directed by Samudra. It is heard that Rajsekhar has agreed to do a second film with director Samudra. The film will have its launch in this month.
The film is touted to be a commercial action entertainer. Muthineni Satyanarayana and Lagadapati Srinivasa Rao are the producers of this film. The film will have its first schedule from November and the makers are planning to release the film for Pongal.
Master M Ravinder Teja is presenting the film on LVR Productions banner. Rajasekhar’s last film 'Maa Annayya Bangaram' was a flop at box-office.