Young Tiger NTR’s ‘Oosaravelli’ remake is being planned in Bengali. Versatile actor Mithun Chakraborty’s son Mimoh Chakraborty is going to make his debut in Bengali through this film. The film is titled as ‘Rocky’ and Puja is going to pair with Mimoh in this stylish action entertainer.
Jr NTR’s ‘Oosaravelli’, which was released last year, had a upright response at box-office. The film has opened to super hit talk and has garnered huge openings at the box office. Critics have given credits to both Jr NTR and Tamanna’s performance in the film. ‘Oosaravelli’ was directed by Surender Reddy and produced by BVSN Prasad. ‘Rocky’ makers are planning to launch the movie in Hyderabad on September 25.