Actor Nani, who has become too busy with the shootings of his upcoming films, is likely to be roped in for a new movie, which will be remake of Bollywood blockbuster movie ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’, starring Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma. The film is about a smart and quirky girl whose dream is to establish a wedding-planning company, a fun loving street-smart guy and how they start the business together and their relationship.
A new director is going to debut with this remake of ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’. Nani is yet to confirm his dates for the film as he is busy with other projects. He has recently finished shooting for his upcoming movie ‘Yeto Vellipoindhi Manasu’, directed by Gautham Menon and he is currently busy shooting for Samuthirakani’s ‘Janda Pai Kapiraju’ and Krishna Vamsi’s ‘Paisa’.