Young Tiger NTR has come back from Bangkok to Hyderabad after completing shooting part of his film ‘Baadshah’. NTR, along with the director Sreenu Vaitla and other crew members went to Bangkok for shooting some action sequences for the movie. The first looks of the film have raised the expectations, and the script writer Gopi Mohan and Kona Venkat seem to be very confident that the film is going to be a box-office hit.
Bandla Ganesh, ‘Baadshah’ producer, is doing everything that he can for the film, and there are rumors that the film will be the costliest film ever made in Tollywood. Kajal is paired opposite Jr NTR in the film, and SS Thaman is scoring music. The movie is scheduled to be released on the eve of Sankranthi on January 11, 2013.