Filmnagar sources say that Power Star Pawan Kalyan is going to make a grand debut in Bollywood soon. This movie is going to be a multi-starrer film and Konda Krishnamraju is likely to produce this untitled movie. The makers are trying to bring in Bollywood hero Ajay Devgn to act along with Pawan Kalyan in the film. If everything falls in place then the movie will be directed by director Rohit Shetty, who has directed films like, ‘Bol Bachchan’, ‘Singham’, ‘Golmaal’, etc.
However, the official news on the film is yet to hit public. As of now, Pawan Kalyan is busy with the final shoots of the film ‘Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu’ - directed by Puri Jagan. Manisharma is scoring the music for the film which is set for release on October 11.