Power Star Pawan Kalyan will be launching the audio of hero Srikanth’s forthcoming film ‘Devaraya’. The audio release will be held on September 12 at Shilpakala Vedika. The film makers of ‘Devaraya’ are organising the audio launch in a luxurious way, only for the presence of the Power Star.
Usually, Pawan Kalyan avoids public appearances. Hence, the news on his appearance at ‘Devaraya’ audio launch has surprised everyone! However, Pawan Kalyan appeared lately in audio release functions of Allu Arjun’s ‘Julayi’ and Nitin’s ‘Ishq’. Both the films, as well as the music tracks have turned out to be super hits. So, let us see if this audio launch is going to change Srikanth’s luck with films as it has been too long since he has seen success!