Mass Maharaja’s ‘Daruvu’ movie has hit the screens today. The movie, a socio fantasy entertainer has bagged mixed talk among movie lovers and is running with packed houses in all the released centers. Ravi Teja and Jayasudha’s performance is said to be the highlights of the film with fantastic direction from Siva.
The songs ‘Nijam Cheppu Nuvvante’, ‘Athili Chirabara’ and ‘Usumalarasey’ have been received well by the audience. The comedy scenes involving Brahmanandam, Ravi Teja and Vennela Kishore are hilarious and look refreshing, says an enthusiastic fan of Ravi Teja. Over all, the movie will appease families and mass audience in equal ways and is set to become one of the biggest grossers in Rav Teja’s career.