Director Srinu Vaitla, who has tasted success with Super Star Mahesh Babu’s ‘Dookudu’, is planning a sequel of the movie. The movie titled ‘Dookudu 2’ is likely to go onto the floors once both Mahesh Babu and Srinu Vaitla wrap up their currents projects.
‘Dookudu’ has turned out to be the second biggest grosser of Tollywood and taking advantage of the craze the movie has garnered, the maverick director is planning for a sequel to it. Sources say that Srinu Vaitla has already started penning the story for this film with his team of writers Gopimohan and Kona Venkat. Thaman is expected to score music for ‘Dookudu 2’ as well. Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanra are set to produce this movie. An official announcement will be made shortly.