Balakrishna starer ‘Srimannarayana’ under the direction of Ravi Chavali that was launched on February 6th has finished 50% of shooting in just 3 months. It is still not clear if Balayya is playing the role of lecturer or a role as the honest journalist. The climax scenes are being captured currently at an Aluminum factory in Gachibowli, Hyderabad. After this schedule, the unit will fly to Malaysia for filming songs, few crucial scenes and action episodes.
The movie is produced by Ramesh Puppala under the banner of Yellow Flowers. The Dialogues were written by Ghatikachalam and camera handled by T. Surender Reddy. Parvati Melton and Isha chawla are the female leads in the movie.
The fate of Balayya’s much hyped ‘Adhinayakudu’ is not known yet and it seems Balayya has moved on to his next project already.