Ever green actor, late Sobhan Babu’s Diamond Jubliee festival celebrations will commence 30th June at Shilpakala Vedika, Hyderabad and will facilitate 75 actors/actresses. The State Committee for Sobhan Babu fans informed the press that the festival is held under the blessings of Former Union Cabinet Minister and veteran director Dr. Dasari Narayana Rao.
All the legends of film industry will be attending this festival. The festivals will be held under the supervision of Suresh Kondeti, the owner of “Santosham” magazine. The ‘Sobhan Babu Seva Samithi’ has invited all the actors/actresses who have worked with late Sobhan Babu. The festival is planned with songs, dances and scenes from Sobhan Babu movies. National and International fans are expected to participate in this festival.