Her disappearance from Tollywood left many of her fans disappointed. But the good news is that actress Shriya is now back to Tollywood with two films - Sekhar Kammula’s ‘Life is Beautiful’ and Mohan Babu’s mythological film ‘Ravana Brahma’ directed by K. Raghavendra Rao (B.A).
Shriya is currently busy with ‘Zilla Ghaziabad’, a Hindi film and ‘Midnight’s Children’ an English film where she plays two challenging characters. ‘Midnight’s Children’ is based on a popular novel written by Salman Rushdie.
Shriya is the only Heroine from North who debuted in Telugu and speaks Telugu well. She has said it several times that she is thankful to Tollywood for giving her much needed break early in her career to fame. She already has acted in 2 Hollywood films and she is popular across the Globe.