Theatrical trailer of Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja’s ‘Daruvu’ was unveiled few days ago at the audio launch of the film. Since then the film has started to generate curiosity among the viewers. Earlier many people were skeptical on the film because of the director and the cast but a look of the theatrical trailer has changed all their perceptions.
The film is socio fantasy with Yamadharmaraja concept involved. It stars Tamil actor Prabhu as Yama. MS Narayana would be seen as Chitragupta in the film. That's not all, Brahmanandam, who always shares amazing comic timing with Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja, will also be seen playing a character named Vidya Balan.
'Daruvu' is directed by Siva and produced by Burugupalli Sivaramakrishna. Tapsee acts as heroine the in the film. Vijay Antony has given the music for 'Daruvu'. One has to wait and see if the film gives the entertainment it promises in the trailer or not. ‘Daruvu’ is slated to release in the third week of May.