Mega Power Star Ram Charan, who on his birthday expressed his wish to meet Amitabh Bachchan before starting the shooting of ‘Zanjeer’ remake, got his wish fulfilled. Mega Power star Ram Charan, who is Mumbai currently with the unit of ‘Zanjeer’ for the look test of his character in the film, met Amitabh Bachchan yesterday, who was shooting in an adjacent floor in the same studio. Ram Charan sought his blessing for the ‘Zanjeer’ remake and shared this news to his followers on social networking site.
‘Zanjeer’ is directed by Apoorva Lakhia and Priyanka Chopra is acting as heroine in the film opposite Mega Power Star Ram Charan. Prakash Raj, Arjun Rampal and Mahi Gill play other important roles in the film. Amit Mehra produces the film.