The release of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Cameraman Ganga Tho Rambabu’ to be made in the direction of dashing director Puri Jagannath has been postponed. The film was launched recently and on the launch day itself the producer and director announced that the film would release on October 18 for Dussera.
But latest developments suggest that the film would be postponed by two months and release in December. Reason for the postponement is said to be Pawan Kalyan’s health. Power star has been shooting round the clock since the release of ‘Komaram Puli’. Also, recently he had a minor injury to his elbow on the sets of ‘Gabbar Singh’. Hence, the actor has decided to take two months rest after the release of ‘Gabbar Singh’.
The film has busy bee Tamanna as heroine and as the actress is very busy with multiple films in the hand, one has to wait and see if the new schedule fits her schedule or not.