Superstar Mahesh Babu’s new film in the direction of Sukumar will begin its regular shooting in Hyderabad from April 23 with shooting of a song. Later the unit will move to Bangkok and shoot another song for five days.
Once this schedule is finished the unit will have small break and then shooting would resume in Goa. The film is produced by ‘Dookudu’ producers Anil Sunkara, Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta on 14 Reels Entertainment banner.
Devi Sree Prasad is giving the music to the film and Ratnavelu is the cinematographer for the film. Kajal is acting as heroine in the movie and this is her second film with Superstar Mahesh Babu after ‘Businessman’. Also like the film ‘Businessman’, this movie will have a Sankranthi release in 2013.