Audio of Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film ‘Gabbar Singh’ will release on April 15. The venue has been finalized as Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad. All the cast and crew along with entire Mega family are expected to grace the event to make it a memorable one, says sources.
But sources also caution that Megastar Chiranjeevi may give it a miss in the last moment due to his prior political commitments. It is being said that a meeting is being arranged on the same day in Delhi to discuss over the Congress party affairs in the state. If this meeting indeed materializes Megastar Chiranjeevi would be missing the function.
‘Gabbar Singh’ directed by Harish Shankar stars Shruti Hassan as heroine and music is given by Devi Sree Prasad. Adithya Music has bagged the audio rights and the sample songs are expected to be out in the next three days.