Our readers are aware that only one song is left to be shot for the completion of Young Tiger NTR’s upcoming film ‘Dammu. The makers are planning to make it a special song and are reportedly roping in two popular heroines for this particular song. According to sources Rachana Mourya and Tashu Kaushik are said to be the lucky heroines who would be part of the song. The song would also feature the heroines of the film Trisha and Karthika as well. Shooting of the song would begin from March 27.
Meanwhile all arrangements are being made to make the audio launch of the film a grand one. ‘Dammu' will have its audio launch on March 29 in Shilpa Kala Vedika, Hyderabad.
‘Dammu' is being directed by Boyapati Srinu and produced by Alexander Vallabha. The film is slated to release on April 27.