‘Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu’ is the upcoming film of director Gautham Vasudev Menon. The film stars Samantha as heroine and Nani as the hero. The film is also simultaneously being made in Tamil and Hindi. All the three versions have Samantha playing the female lead.
For the first time Gautam Menon is working with Maestro Ilayaraja for this movie. With Gautham Menon being known for wonderful musical acumen, his combination with the Maestro is most sought after one among the audience.
Recently Ilayaraja flew to London to record the songs and background score of the film. He is going to use international orchestra for the music of the film. The musical session has already began and progressing at fast pace. ‘Yeto Vellipoindi Manasu’ will have a June release simultaneously in three languages.