Popular actress Nayanathara signs yet another film in her big time comeback to films post her break up with Prabhu Deva. She had signed a new movie opposite Nagarjuna to be directed by Dasarath some days ago and recently she signed another film, in which she will be paired opposite Daggubati Rana. And freshly she has singed a bilingual movie starring Gopichand as in the lead role.
The film in question is the cop story directed by Bhoopathi Pandian. Earlier when the film was announced, Tamannah was said to be the heroine of the film. Later due to her busy schedule she opted out of the film and Richa Gangopadhyay was approached. But even that could not be materialized and now finally Nayanathara seems to be confirmed for the part.
Shooting of the film is expected to begin soon. Music for the film has been provided by SS Thaman. A title for the film is yet to be announced.