Actress Nayanathara has been flooded with offers post her break up with chorographer turned director Prabhu Deva. She was recently reported to have signed a Telugu film opposite King Nagarjuna to be made in the direction of Dasarath.
Now she has reportedly got another plum project. If reports are to be believed she has been roped in as heroine for director Krish’s upcoming film ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’. She will be paired opposite Young Spark Daggubati Rana in the film. Director Krish initially wanted to cast a newcomer as heroine opposite Rana but with the shooting already started and none of the newcomers matching his requirements the director finally settled in on Nayanathara.
‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ is produced by Saibabu Jagarlamudi and music for the film is given by MM Keeravani.