So finally the films releasing for Ugadi festival have been confirmed. While a lot of films were initially speculated to arrive for the coveted festive weekend, finally only two films have settled in. They are going to be Young Spark Daggubati Rana’s ‘Naa Ishtam’ and an all newcomers starrer ‘Eerojullo’.
‘Naa Ishtam’ is directed by newcomer Prakash Toleti, where as ‘Eerojullo’ is directed by newcomer Maruthi.
Both the films have completed censor formalities and are ready to release on March 23. ‘Naa Ishtam’ is produced by Paruchuri Kiriti, where as ‘Eerojullo’ is produced by a group of three under the banner Good Cinema Group.
Let’s wait and see which of the two gets the mandate of the public as it’s the paying public who has the ultimate say.