Young Tiger NTR’s new film ‘Baadshah’ in the direction of Srinu Vytla will be launched tomorrow in Hyderabad. The event is expected to be very hush-hush affair with only few prominent personalities attending it. Sources say Nandamuri Balakrishna may attend the event but it’s still not officially confirmed.
Bandla Ganesh produces the film and Kajal acts heroine opposite NTR. Music for the film is being given by SS Thaman. Shooting of the film is expected to start from last week of April or in the first week of May and the first schedule is planned in Seoul.
With director Srinu Vytla on a career high post the blockbuster success of ‘Dookudu’, and a title like ‘Baadshah’ as this film's title, there are sky high expectations on this NTR starrer.