Finally audio of Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s upcoming film ‘Racha’ was released amid huge number of fans. The event took place at People’s Plaza in Necklace Road, Hyderabad. All cast and crew of ‘Racha’ participated in the audio launch event.
Entire Mega Family attended the event except Power Star Pawan Kalyan, as he was in USA. Tollywood's top producers like Dil Raju, BVSN Prasad etc and top directors like VV Vinayak, SS Rajamouli, Vamshi Paidipalli etc attended the event.
Mega Star Chiranjeevi unveiled the audio CD and handed over the first copy to SS Rajamouli. Later the entire cast and crew expressed their
happiness for working in the film, while other guests wished the unit of the film all success.