Stylish Star Allu Arjun is soon going to make his debut in Kollywood with a huge production. This film will be directed by none other than Sri Raghava, who is very well known in Telugu and Tamil for his films like '7/G Brundavan Colony', 'Yuganiki Okkadu', 'Adavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule', etc.
The actor and director are going to work together on a big budget bilingual project soon. Shruthi Hasan is expected to play the heroine of the film. Music for the film will be composed by Harris Jayaraj and it is for second time that they both are going to work together on a film. They are currently working together for ‘Irandam Ulagam’.
The film, however, will take some time to get onto the sets as the director and the actor duo are currently busy with their respective commitments. Currently, Allu Arjun is acting in a film under the direction of Trivikram Srinivas and on the other side, Sri Raghava is making a film titled ‘Irandam Ulagam’ with Arya and Anushka in the lead roles.