Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has once again shown his power on Internet. The teaser of his upcoming release ‘Gabbar Singh’ was launched recently to a humongous response. But the online response, which is huge, has surpassed even the wildest of the imaginations. The teaser has so far been viewed by more than 6 lakhs people online cumulatively. This is by far the biggest number ever for views online for a small teaser, in such a short span of time. Even the makers are stunned by this response and are thrilled to bits.
But as we have mentioned in the past this is nothing new to Powerstar, this kind of mania is seen with all his films before the release itself. Its post the release of the film the fans want to have fun this time celebrating the success of the movie, says an enthusiastic fan of the star. And looking at the reports coming in, it looks like finally the wait for the post release celebrations too is over.
‘Gabbar Singh’ is currently undergoing its shoot in Ramoji Film City. Keep watching this space for more exciting and exclusive updates on the film.