King Nagarjuna, who is currently busy with the shooting of ‘Shirdi Sai’ in Karnataka, is also keeping a close eye on the latest developments in Telugu films. Nagarjuna being well known to give breaks to young and upcoming directors is reportedly looking at director Veerabhdram with keen interest.
The director while working for ‘Aha Na Pellanta’, narrated a script to the actor titled ‘Bhai’, but Nagarjuna being busy with other projects did not respond well to it. Now, after the director has got another hit with ‘Poolarangadu’, Nagarjuna has asked Veerabhadram to give him a fresh narration and if he likes it this time, the film will go onto sets immediately once the actor wraps up ‘Shirdi Sai’.
‘Bhai’ comes with the tag line ‘Entertainment tho Champsthadu’. If everything falls in place, the movie would be produced by D Sivaprasad Reddy on Kamakshi Kala Entertainments banner.
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- King Nagarjuna’s new movie titled Bhai?
King Nagarjuna’s new movie titled Bhai?
Added by vidhatha on Feb 23, 2012