Veteran producer and lyricist Mallemala Sundara Rami Reddy, popularly known as MS Reddy passed away at his Film Nagar residence yesterday. He was suffering from prolonged illness. He was 87 years old. Popular producer Shyam Prasad Reddy is the son of Mallemala. He played a crucial role in shifting Telugu Film Industry to Hyderabad from Chennai in those days. He was also a poet and penned over 5000 poems.
Mallemala style of writing has earned him the title Sahajakavi. His way of narration is very simple and easy to understand. He introduced Jr NTR as a child artist under his banner in the film ‘Ramayanam’. He produced 25 films and established Shabdalaya Studios.
Mallemala’s role as Chief Minister in ‘Ankusam’ is still the favorite among Telugu movie lovers. He recently penned his auto-biography ‘Idi Naa Katha’, which reveals some facts about several personalities in Tollywood. The entire Tollywood has condoled to the death of this stalwart. We deeply express our condolences to his family members on the demise of this legendary producer and lyricist.