Super Star Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film ‘Businessman’ has wrapped up its shooting part yesterday. The last schedule was held at Kachiguda and we came to know that there was huge crowd gathered during the end of the shooting on the location. Director Puri Jagannadh has stuck to his words and completed the entire shooting part in exactly 74 days.
The first look posters and the teasers of the film received thumping response from the audience. The teasers of the film are being played in the theaters where Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Panjaa’ is showing. There are lots of expectations on this film as Mahesh is looking dashing and his intensity in the eyes is powerful.
Currently, the dubbing works of the film are going on at brisk pace and the makers are already engaged in the audio launch preparations. Puri himself is penning the dialogues for this action entertainer. The audio will be launched on December 22, while the movie will hit the screens on January 11. The movie is set to take a flying start at box-office.