Nandamuri Balakrishna’s next release ‘Adhinayakudu’ completed its shooting formalities yesterday. Right now, the unit is busy with the post-production works in Hyderabad. Producer ML Kumar Chowdary held a press meet to update the progress of the movie. He stated that the audio of the film will be launched in the last week of December. However, he didn’t announce the release date of the movie and only stated that the film will hit the marquee in January.
Chowdary also said that the movie came out very well with powerful performance from Balayya in all the three roles. It is known that Balayya has essayed three versatile powerful roles in this movie for the first time in his career. Lakshmi Rai is the heroine, while Saloni plays the second fiddle. Jayasudha is portraying a special role in this film. The film is a racy mass entertainer and Balayya will be his powerful best. Paruchuri Murali is the director and Kalyani Malik is the music director.