Richa Gangopadhyay, who is eyeing top spot in both Tollywood and Kollywood, has bagged a big film as leading lady opposite Venkatesh in a new film. Meher Ramesh is going to direct this film, which is to be produced by ‘Simha’ fame Paruchuri Kireeti. Ace writers Kona Venkat and Gopimohan are providing the script for this film.
The film is touted to be a high voltage mass entertainer. Earlier, Venkatesh and Richa acted in ‘Nagavalli’. Though, the film failed at box-office the actress has won critical acclaim for her performance. Recently, she tasted a success with ‘Mayakkam Enna’ in Tamil. The film has Dhanush as male lead. The actress also agreed to play one of the leading ladies in Prabhas’s new film.
Richa expressed her confidence over the film’s script and predicted that the movie will become a big hit in her career. Interestingly, Richa made her debut with ‘Leader’ opposite Rana Daggubati, who is the son of Venkatesh’s brother and popular producer Suresh Babu.