Super Star Mahesh Babu, who is riding high on the super success of ‘Dookudu’, is under IT scanner these days. Recently, the producers of ‘Dookudu’ announced that the film has made Rs 100 crore at box-office and became the highest grosser of Tollywood. There are reports that Mahesh is charging Rs 12 crore as his remuneration for each movie post ‘Dookudu’. This has made IT sleuths raid the Film Nagar residence of Mahesh Babu yesterday.
Mahesh Babu was not at home when the raids happened. And he is currently unavailable for comment.
Meanwhile, the media asked the director of ‘Dookudu’ Srinu Vaitla to respond on this development and the director politely refused to say a word in this regard.
Currently, Mahesh is busy shooting for his next release ‘Business Man’ and right now he is in Goa for the film’s new schedule. He will also join the sets of ‘Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ soon after wrapping up ‘Business Man’. Stay tuned for more updates.