Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film ‘Panjaa’ is opening in as many as 1800 screens worldwide on December 9. The makers and the distributors are planning to screen over 9000 shows on the first day of the release. Considering the star power of Pawan Kalyan the theaters will be crowded for sure. There are already huge expectations from this film and the pre-release positive buzz of the movie is a very good sign. The distributors already filed a form for permission in the respective police head quarters across the state for screening 5 shows per day.
The advance booking of the movie has opened and the tickets are sold out in few places already. The fans of the actor already started decorating theaters with garlands and flexes. Mid-night shows are being planned in few places tomorrow and the talk will be out by early morning of December 9. Pawan Kalyan will be seen as a powerful don and his name in the movie is Jaidev alias Jai. Pawan desperately needs a hit now and let’s hope he lives up to the expectations this time.