Director Gunasekhar’s upcoming movie ‘Nippu’, which features Mass Maharaja Ravi Teja and Deeksha Seth in the lead roles, is out of pongal race. The unit is planning for a schedule in Turkey from December 11 onwards to film a couple of songs on the lead pair. This schedule will progress for 10 days, that is up to December 20. The entire talkie part of the film will be wrapped up with this schedule. The patch works of the film are already in progress at Prasad labs, Hyderabad.
As per reports, the comedy scenes involving Brahmanandam and Krishnudu came out very well and will evoke laughs on screen. Gunasehar is directing the film under Bommarillu banner. YVS Chowdary is the producer. The audio of the film will be released directly in to the market on December 13. Thaman has scored music for the film.