Maverick director SS Rajamouli’s most sought animated movie ‘Eega’ shooting has been suspended by the director himself for two days. The shooting of the film is almost complete except for climax sequences. The director is currently busy canning the climax of the film and he has noticed that he is shooting only 12 shots a day. Usually, Rajamouli shoots minimum 25 shots a day and this is the reason that the director is having second thoughts on the output of the film. Rajamouli started checking and editing the scenes he shot so far and as a result, the shooting has been halted for a couple of days.
Several foreign technicians are working hard on this film to get the best output on screen. Rajamouli is leaving no stone unturned. Nani is romancing Samantha in this film. Kannada super star Sudeep is playing antagonist of the film. Keeravani is providing music and Sai Korrapati is the producer. The film will have a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil on March 30.