Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s most sought film ‘Panjaa’ has passed the censor formalities yesterday. The film received U/A certificate from censor board. The board members have recommended 6 cuts to the makers. The duration of the film is 2 hours 10 minutes. The comedy episodes between Pawan Kalyan and Brahmanandam were executed well. Two songs 'Ela Ela' and 'Paparayudu' stand out winners among the album on screen. Pawan’s performance is a treat to watch throughout the movie.
The action episode in the second half of the film was picturised well and said to be the highlight of the film. However, the nativity factor goes missing like any other movie of Pawan Kalyan directed by Tamil directors. The film though carries a positive report and set to register huge openings at box-office.
Sara Jane Dias, Anjali Lavania, Ali, Brahmanandam, Jackie Shroff, Adivi Sesh played important roles in this film. ‘Panjaa’ is gearing up for release on December 9 worldwide with highest number of prints in Pawan’s career.