Looks like King Nagarjuna’s dream is going to come true shortly. The actor, who is awaiting the release of his forthcoming film ‘Rajanna’, has watched the movie yesterday at Shabdalaya Studios without any fanfare. It seems, the actor liked the movie very much and sastisfied with the outcome of it, claims a source from the unit. Nagarjuna himself is producing the movie under Annapurna Studios banner. He is playing the role of Suddala Hanumanthu, a famous Telangana poet in this film.
Currently, the film is in DTS mixing stages. The film is set to release on December 23 worldwide. Rajamouli has supervised the action episodes of the film, while his father Vijayendra Prasad is making his debut as director with this periodic drama. Music composed by Keeravani is slowly garnering postive reponse from the public. Baby Annie is playing a prominent role in this film. This will be heroine Sneha's last film in Telugu as she is getting married to her long term boy friend Prasanna soon.