Well, the wait is over! The most anticipated Power Star Pawan Kalyan movie is on the cards. The star director Puri Jagannadh, who was once introduced by Pawan Kalyan to the industry with ‘Badri’, is going to direct Power Star shortly. The film will go on the floors once Puri Jagannadh finishes his pending projects in the form of ‘Business Man’ (Telugu and Hindi versions). This film is touted to be a political drama which depicts the current trend in politics.
Pawan, being known for versatile roles has loved his character in the film and gave a go-ahead nod to the director immediately. Kona Venkat, who proved his mettle with Salman Khan’s ‘Ready’ and Mahesh Babu’s ‘Dookudu’, recently has penned the story for this film. Bandla Ganesh Babu is going to produce this film on Parameswara Arts banner. Right now, his new film Gabbar Singh is in production. Incidentally, Pawan Kalyan is the hero of that film as well. This will be Ganesh’s third film in a row with Power Star. The film will have lot of powerful dialogues and satires on the present political scenario.