Tamil super hit ‘Engeyum Eppodhum’, which is being produced by AR Murugadoss, will see its release in Telugu as ‘Journey’. This dubbed version is presented by Studio N and 3K Entertainments. Suresh Kondeti, who earlier produced films like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’ and ‘Nanna’, is the producer of this film. The makers earlier planned to release the film on December 2, but following some pending works the film’s release was pushed to December 16.
Sharwanand, Jai, Anjali and Ananya are the lead actors of this film. The film revolves around two love stories, one takes place in Chennai and the other proceeds in Tiruchi. Anjali has lent her voice for both the Tamil and Telugu versions. The film was made on a budget of Rs 5 crore and went on to collect nearly Rs 20 crore in its original version. The music of the film is scored by Sathya and directed by M Saravanan.
Buoyed by the movie’s success Aamir Khan is showing interest to remake the film in Hindi with Imran Khan in one of the lead roles. The Karnataka rights of the film are grabbed by producer K Manju.