Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s next release ‘Panjaa’ will undergo censor scrutiny on December 3 at 11:30 am. The first copy of the film will be readied by December 2 evening. Right now, the Digital Intermediate and editing works are going on in Chennai and Hyderabad respectively. The producers are closely monitoring the developments and assured a December 9 release worldwide. The re-recording of ‘Panjaa’ is extraordinary and will be Yuvan’s career best in Tollywood added an insider.
Pawan Kalyan has essayed a hilarious role in the first half of the film. The comedy episodes between Pawan Kalyan and Dr Brahmanandam came out very well and will be entertaining. The songs have already become chart-toppers. The makers are also planning to hold a platinum disc function soon. The film is riding high on expectations and the promos have been received well by the enthusiastic fans.