Super Star Mahesh Babu’s next release ‘Business Man’ has wrapped up the Bangkok schedule and the unit is flying back to Hyderabad tonight. The director, Puri Jagannath, has shot a couple of songs over there. The next schedule of the film will commence from December 2 at Ramoji Film City. The director is planning to film some crucial scenes of the film. Mahesh Babu, Kajal Aggarwal and the other cast of the film will take part in tomorrow’s shoot.
The film is slated to release in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages on January 11. Mahesh, who was born and brought up in Chennai, is very fluent in Tamil. It is learnt that the actor is going to dub for his role in the film’s Tamil version too. The actor enjoys considerable fan following there and it is going to add some extra mileage for the film. Recently, there was an announcement that both Mahesh and Puri are crooning for the theme song of the film. Thaman has almost completed scoring tunes for the film and we came to know that there will be 6 six songs in the album.