Challenging actor Jagapati Babu, who is capable of essaying any kind of role with ease, has recently agreed to act in a Tamil film, which is going to be directed by AL Vijay.The film is tentatively titled ‘Thaandavam’.
Vikram plays the protagonist of the film. He is donning the role of a spy for the first time in his career. Hollywood actress Amy Jackson is romancing Vikram in this spy thriller. Anushka Shetty is playing an important role in this film.
The film is being produced by UTV Motion Pictures with whopping budget. The film will have its regular shooting from December onwards. The makers are planning to release the film for summer. GV Prakash Kumar has been roped in as music director. The film will be a bi-lingual in Tamil and Telugu languages. Earlier, Jagapati Babu has shared screen space with Rajinikanth in ‘Kathanayakudu’, which is the Telugu version of ‘Kuselan’. This will be his first ever straight Tamil film. Stay tuned for more updates.