Ace director Ram Gopal Varma’s most controversial film ‘Bezawada’ underwent censor formalities yesterday. The film was awarded 'A certificate' by the board members. The board also asked the makers to cut few scenes from the movie, as they found those scenes offensive to a set of audience.
When the film went to censor scrutiny a couple of days ago, the board members showed no mercy on the film and insisted that the makers chop 20 major cuts. The film was re-censored yesterday, due to special permission from Film Chamber. The air has cleared and now the film is gearing for release on December 1 with lot of hype.
Amala Paul is romancing Naga Chaitanya in this action entertainer. The film was directed by debutant Vivek Krishna. Kiran Kumar Koneru and RGV are the producers of the film. Kota Srinivasa Rao is essaying an important role in this film.