Super Star Mahesh Babu’s latest film ‘Business Man’ audio release has advanced by a week. Recently, there were reports that the audio of this action thriller will be released on December 23. But, due to some unknown reasons the makers have chosen to release the audio on December 18 at a grand gala event. YS Jagan Mohan Reddy is likely to grace the event as chief guest and release the audio.
The venue of the event has not yet been finalized and the makers have said that the function will take place amidst huge crowd in Hyderabad. Mahesh Babu and Puri Jagannadh are crooning for the theme song of the film. After ‘Dookudu’, music director Thaman is again providing music for this Mahesh starrer. Kajal Aggarwal is the heroine. The film is slated for January 11 release.